Saturday, August 13, 2011

Maths-Algebra #2

  • Laws of Exponents

    There are several different "laws" or properties when working with exponents:
    laws of exponents

    Next we'll look at a few formulas that can be used when working with polynomials.

    Polynomial Formulas

    There are special rules or formulas that can be used when multiplying polynomials or factoring polynomials. Let's take a look:

    Multiplying Polynomials Using FOIL

    To multiply two polynomials, multiply each term in the first polynomial by each term in the second polynomial. This is also known as using FOIL.
    FOIL Method

    Square of a Binomial

    To square a binomial, you add: the square of the first term, twice the product of the two terms, and the square of the last term. Take a look:
    square of a binomial

    Difference of Two Squares

    When two binomials differ only by the sign between their terms (one a plus, the other a minus), we call this a Difference of Two Squares.
    The rule is very easy to remember: Subtract the square of the second term from the square of the first term. Take a look:
    difference of two squares

    Polynomials - Special Factoring

    The following formulas will actually take our special products from above and work backwards to factor. Same rules, we are just working backwords to find the factors.

    Perfect Square Trinomial

    A perfect square trinomial results in binomial squares.
    If you notice that the first and last terms are perfect squares, then check to see if the trinomial factors as a binomial square.
    perfect square trinomial

    Difference of Two Squares

    difference of two squares

    The Sum and Difference of Two Cubes

    The following are the formulas for factoring the sum and difference of two cubes:
    Difference of Two Cubes

    Quadratic Formula

    There are two formulas that are associated with quadratic equations: the vertex formula and the quadratic formula.

    Vertex Formula

    The vertex formula is used when you must find the vertex (minimum or maximum point) of the parabola.
    vertex formula

    Quadratic Formula

    You can use the quadratic formula to solve ANY quadratic equation. It is used most when the quadratic equation is non-factorable.
    quadratic formula

    Our last basic algebra formula is the Pythagorean Theorem.

    Pythagorean Theorem

    The Pythagorean Theorem is used to identify the length of the sides of any right triangle.
    pythagorean theorem

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