Sunday, November 14, 2010


-While we are awake our brain generates enough power to illuminate a light bulb of 25 watts

-The normal energy used in our brain is 0.1 calories per minute and could go up to 1.5 during activities such as puzzle-solving.

-While only 2% in weight the human brain requires 15% of body's heart work 20%of oxygen and 25% of all glucose

-The lightest organ in the human body is the lung

-The nerves in our body are most concentrated in our fingertips.

-Dolphins cannot stay long underwater because they breathe through their blowholes above

-Turtles and sea cucumbers can breathe through their butts

- The acceleration rate of a flea's jump is 20 times that of a space shuttle during launch

-Pineapple is a giant berry

-Our eyes can distinguish as many as 10 million distinct colour variations

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